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제천 - 금수산 충북 제천 금수산 산행... 중간치기 작정을하고 길을 나섰는데 상천리에서 어뎅이골을지나 상리로 내려오는 코스지만 일부 일행들은 상리에서 정상을 향하여 간다. 해발 1015 만만치않은 산이다. 등산길 3,5Km.. 예전에야 데수롭지않게 여겨온 거리지만 해를 거듭할 수 록 산이 무겁다. 이곳..
Black Sabbath - No Stranger To Love No Stranger To Love Black Sabbath Cold is the night Lonely till dawn Cry for the light For the love that won't come You said that you'd never Leave me alone I gave you my heart You cried for my soul An angel won't come This devil won't go Something is wrong I just can't get away Living on the street, I'm no stranger to love Why can't you see I'm no stranger to love Living on t..
St.James Infirmary - Blues Underground St. James Infirmary - Blues Underground I went down to St. James Infirmary And I heard my baby moan And I felt so broken hearted She used to be my very own And I tried so hard to Keep from crying My heart felt just like lead She was all that I had to live for Oh, I wish it was me instead So sad, so sad I went down to St. James Infirmary And I saw my baby there (She was) stretc..
Deep purple - Wasted Sunsets Wasted Sunsets The day is gone when the angels come to stay And all the silent whispers will be blown away And lying in the corner a pair of high heel shoes Hanging on the wall gold and silver for the blues One too many wasted sunsets One too many for the road And after dark the door is always open Hoping someone else will show Someone is waiting behind an unlocked door Grey c..
홍성 - 용봉산 용봉산 용봉사의 참배를 마치고 돌아와 자연휴양림으로 발길을 돌린다. 어느 산이든 정상은 멀고도 가깝지만 자신에 적합곳을 선택.. 무리한 등산은 삼가해야 본인의 건강관리는 본인이 해야되겠다. 더운날 땀이 흠뻑 젖고 남은시간은 휴양림에서 보네기로 걸은을 옮기는데 어디선가 섹..
Axel Rudi Pell - The Line The Line - Axel Rudi Pell - Alone at night In the cold and windy city When the candle fades away Another morning And the sun's shining pretty You can watch the children play But there's a hole in the sky And it cries for you and I And we can't find the reason for calling There's a new place to see Another world for you and me And one can hear the bell which will be tolling Tol..
홍성 - 용봉사 홍성 용봉사다녀온 사진입니다. 아기자기하고 신비한 용봉산. 병풍바위와 휴양림이있고 산도 그리 높지않으며 볼거리도 많습니다. 용봉사를 거쳐 휴양림에서 쉬었다온 일정입니다. 용봉사는 큰 사찰은 아닌듯하나 역사가 매우오래된 사찰로서 문화재와 고려시대의 역사 기록을 볼 수 ..
Axel Rudi Pell - Snake Eyes Snake Eyes Axel Rudi Pell There's a hot new piece slippin'thru the city slitherin' 'round sneakin' out lookin' much too pretty Got her number got her thru my bedroom door coiled her legs around me then she wanted more Don't make me beg like a dog without a bone Come on little sweetie don't cha turn your heart to stone She's burnin' I'm learnin' She's got Snake Eyes She's burni..
Deep Purple - Chasing Shadows Chasing shadows, over my walls with myself hardly sleeping Dwarfs and giants, twenty feet tall fill the room with their creeping Sounds of breathing sharpen my ears then they fade into nothing Someone's laughter out in the street fills the night with their loving I feel the ice in my head Running its hands through my bed Not even dreaming I seem to be dead Colours of yellow an..
Deep Purple - The gypsy [3] 기 엘범 Stormbringer TRACK LIST Stormbringer (Blackmore/Coverdale) 4.03 Love don't mean a thing (Blackmore/Coverdale/Hughes/Lord/Paice) 4.23 Holy man (Coverdale/Hughes/Lord) 4.28 Hold on (Coverdale/Hughes/Lord/Paice) 5.05 Lady Double Dealer (Blackmore/Coverdale) 3.19 You can't do it right (with the one you love) (Blackmore/Coverdale/Hughes) 3.24 High ball shooter (Blackmore/Coverdale/..
Deep Purple - Highway star (March 1972) . Machine Head March 1972 (UK) Deep Purple's 6th studio album is performed by: Ritchie Blackmore guitar Ian Gillan vocals Roger Glover bass guitar Jon Lord organ, keyboards Ian Paice drums Recorded between 6th and 21st December 1971 at the Grand Hotel in Montreux using the Rolling Stones Mobile Unit. Engineered by Martin Birch; assisted by Jeremy (Bear) Gee. Technician: Nick [..
관절염 전철은 타야하는데 어리둥절 헤멜것같다. 30년전 쯤 타보고 그때와 많이 달라졌겠지? 서울에서 알바할때 지하철 1호선을 타고 출퇴근을 했었는데 청량리에서도 타봤고 노량진에서도 타봤고 종로2가 학원에도 다녔는데ㅎ 지금은 구미 촌늠! 그땐 두꺼운 종이 조각으로된 승차권이였지. 통..