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Deep Purple - Woman fron Tokyo ('73. 2기) Woman fron Tokyo Words & music by Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord and Ian Paice Fly into the rising sun Faces smiling everyone Yeah she is a whole new tradition Aoh I feel it in my heart My woman from Tokyo, she makes me see My woman from Tokyo, she's so good to me Talk about her like a queen Dancing in an eastern dream Yeah she makes me feel li..
Deep Purple - Holy man Holy Man (Coverdale/Hughes/Lord) Called to Madonna To give me a line She said, boy, what have you done Passing your time with a holy man Talking of the moon and sun But I can't tell the difference Between the fool and wise Show me a river to follow Away from all these lies I've been on my own so long Won't you lend me your hand? I've been picking up my bones too long Won't you understand? Calle..
Boston - More Than A Feeling More Than A Feeling Boston I looked out this morning and the sun was gone Turned on some music to start my day I lost myself in a familiar song I closed my eyes and I slipped away It's more than a feeling (More than a feeling) When I hear that old song they used to play (More than a feeling) I begin dreaming (More than a feeling) 'Til I see Marianne walk away I see my Marianne..
Deep Purple - Hey, Joe Shades of Deep Purple And The Address Hush One More Rainy Day A) Prelude; Happiness B) I'm So Glad Mandrake Root Help Love Help Me Hey Joe Hey Joe Where you going with that gun in your hand Hey Joe Now tell me where you going with that gun in your hand I'm gonna shoot my lady Cos I caught her messing around with another man Yes, I'm going down to shoot my lady Cos I caught her messing around wi..
Deep Purple - Anya Anya Im so far away From everything you know Your name is carried on the wind Your ice blue waters anya Where do they flow Where have they been Where have they been A hidden passion Touching a spark Flame of revolution Burning wild in your gypsy heart Your gypsy heart Anya - the spirit of freedom Anya - oh anya The light of freedom buried Deep within your soul Across the puszta plain to see The..
Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok One Night In Bangkok Murray Head One Night In Bangkok One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble Not much between despair and ecstasy One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble Can't be too careful with your company I can feel the devil walking next to me Bangkok, Oriental setting And the city don't know that the city is getting The creme de la creme of the chess world in a Show with ever..
영동 - 노근리 쌍굴다리, 평화공원 구미에서 김천,추풍령을 지나 영동방향으로 지나다보면 노근리가 나온다. 가끔 지나는 길인데 경부선 철도가 지난는 곳이다. 6,25전쟁 발발당시 피난을 하기위하여 굴다리로 향하는 민간인에게 총격을 가하여 많은 민간인이 희생된 장소이다. 쌍굴다리에는 미군의 총격으로 아직 그 흔적이 남아있어 ..
Deep Purple - Love Conquers All Love Conquers All Love Conquers All It Feels like the end When you're closer to losing your dreams Than losing a friend Flying blind I'm shooting into the dark Who will I find Oh girl And if it takes me a lifetime I swear I'll tear down every wall Love conquers all On my way Tomorrow I rise with the sun Soon I'll be gone Words can't say How the memories of feelings of love They linger on Oh gir..
Joe Cocker . Guitar : Jeff Beck - I Who Have Nothing 난 빈털터리... 가진 것 하나 없는 내가, 아무도 없는 내가 그대를 사랑하고 그대를 무척 원해요. 그대에게 아무 것도 드릴 것이 없는 보잘 것 없는 사람이지만 당신을 사랑해요. 그 남자는 당신께 다이아몬드를 사주는군요 반짝이는 다이아몬드를, 하지만 제 말을 믿어주세요. 그가 온 세상을 줄 수 있..
포항 - 이명박 대통령 생가 동해안 다녀오다 잠시 들려본곳. 그다지 옛모습은없고 단지 생가 터라는것뿐이다. 지금은 현대식으로 바뀌어 새집이다. 별루 볼거리는 없어도 관광객이 많이 찾는다. 청명한 가을들녁의 코스모스가 아름답다. Mozart Andante for Flute and Orchestra in C major K 315 (285e)
Deep Purple - One more rany day One more rany day Deep Purple Changes, visible changes Sky looking so forlorn It looks like the world's been born On one more rainy day Trying to see the sunlight My heart's crying out loud I try to see through the clouds On one more rainy day One more rainy day Once again my mind is grey This is what a rainy day can do One more rainy day One more rainy day Sun starts shining on through New day..
트렉스타 등산화 밑창 수선 ^^ 친구들과 등산을 시작한지 약 10여년쯤 되었네. 그 흔적을 찾아보니 등산화 신발이다. 당시 10여년전에 등산을 처음 시작하여 (트렉스타) 등산신발을 구입하였는데 그때 약 10여만원 좀 더준것같다. 초보산행이라 그리 비싸지 않은듯하여 끌고다닌지 벌써 그리됫네. 그 흔적을 증명해 주듯 신발 바닥이 ..